Monday, January 9, 2012

In my Fondest Memories..

In honor of today, (Jan. 9th 2012, the 4-year mark), I have decided to write my first blog post in memory of my father, Luke Tener Short.

As I sat in my 6th grade class in Peoria, Arizona, next one of my best friends Kylee, there was no way I could even fathom what my life could be 4 years from then.  Who would have know that within a few short years, I would be living in Pleasant Grove, Utah, making lots of new friends, and preparing to become a musical therapist.

To me, this is all proof of how your life can change in an instant.

I had a really great relationship with my dad, and I miss him tremendously. Not a day goes by when I don't think of him or what life would be like if he were still here.
However, the purpose of this blog post is not to mourn over my loss, but to celebrate all the many lessons he taught me, and all the lessons I learned because of him.  

He taught me to love the Gospel and my Heavenly Father with all my heart, mind, and soul.  He also taught me how to keep Christ as the center of my life.  

He taught me to work hard, to be ambitious, and to never cut corners.

He taught me how to keep a great sense of humor.  (Many of you may remember is humorous 'poetry' that he wrote for multiple events.  And, if you can't remember someone's name, their name is either Fred or George).

He taught me how to work with my hands, and to love the work I do.

He taught me how to garden, and how to keep the things you grow alive.  (He also taught me to never touch my eyes or any part of my face after you harvest jalapenos, haha)

He taught me the importance of family, and how to love them, (even though we all may be a little quirky).

He taught me Service!

He didn't teach me to much about music, but he did teach me to love singing and "If you can't sing.. sing loud!"

Even after he's gone, the lessons still continue.  If I've learned anything in this life of mine, it's Everything Happens for a Reason.  

Life may seem hard and confusing right now, but learning to look for the hidden blessings we receive through enduring, has made the world of a difference for me.
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6

These are a few examples of that lesson that I have come to know.

Every trial we are given to endure will make us stronger.

Our family is one of our greatest blessings, and we became part of our own families for specific reasons.

Every friend we come across was given to us to teach us a lesson about life, and vice-versa.

Every teacher we were given, are set in our paths to not only to teach us, but to inspire us.

I am thankful for all the many blessing I have received throughout my life;
For all the places I have lived, and all the friends I have made.
For my two fathers in Heaven, and Jesus Christ, my greatest role models.
For my family, especially my parents and siblings.
For Kevin, an amazing step-father who has been sent to us to love us and guide us.
I am thankful the Church, the Gospel, and for my ward.

My friends, when you are going through hard time, I hope you remember, that with endurance comes great blessings.  I hope you will remember to pray to your Heavenly Father, and to turn to your friends and family here on earth in times of hardship.  I hope you will remember, that everything happens for a reason!

(I realize it's sideways, but you can turn your head right? haha)


  1. Beautiful! I know some grandparents here that will love to read this! Keep on growing into the person Heavenly Father knows you can become!

  2. Beautiful Jolyn, Luke surley did teach us a lot through his words and actions, I remember him coaching and Josh was on his team one year. I also loved how he loved other's children too, he would watch my kids so I could get some time away with your mom, and he would bake cookies and treat them as his own. Luke taught me alot. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You are an amazing young woman and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to know you and your family. Love your Blog.

  4. I love it and I love you Jolyn! So many of the life lessons Your dad taught you he also taught me. He was the best big brother. I miss him everyday. But he lives, we will see him again. And his life, his actions and deeds still live because he taught us to live them. THANK YOU!

  5. What an amazing woman you've become! I can see you dad in my mind BEAMING with pride over you. I love that you continue to learn from him even now. That can't be easy to do and it shows your love of the Lord and also it shows what an amazing man your dad is.

    I love that you are writing this blog! you will be so thankful for it as you grow and your children will someday read these stories with the greatest interest.

  6. This is beautiful, Jolyn! Your dad is so proud of you and of the amazing, strong, beautiful person you are. I love you!

  7. Jolyn, I love you so much! I miss him beyond words, but I love that there is so much of him in you. You are beautiful and amazing! He'd be so proud.

  8. :) You're amazing. Thanks for starting a blog! I'm so glad you were raised by a person like your dad.

  9. Jolyn... Thank you so much for sharing these precious pieces of you and your dad. I love hearing the stories you have to tell and I would love to hear more. Your words are so sweet. I want you to know how much I love and miss your dad and how much I love you! You are an example to me as well as Dylan and Victoria. We love you!
