Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jr. Year (so far!)

Jr. year has begun.

Technically, it began a little while ago. Term one is now almost finished. I haven’t been able to post for a while, so here's my catch-up post for the first 2 months of school-

Special Needs Mutual started back up. Rita's a lot more emotional this year, but I still love going every week! It's weird to have so many youth councilors in my grade, but I'm enjoying that too. I love SN Mutual!

Jazz Band for the 3rd year in a row.

Making the Shakespeare Team. Adding 6 am rehearsals to Jazz rehearsals? Bring it on.

Football Games. Good times-especially with good friends.

Fall Leadership for FCCLA. So much fun! Great speakers and workshops and lots of good times to be had with my fellow officers. (Love you guys!)

Shakespeare Competition. What an awesome experience. Our school did very well, (Chior-1st, Anna's monologue-1st, Keaton's and Ian's scene-2nd, Ensemble-3rd, Sweepstakes (overall)-1st), Le Mis was AMAZING, Hamlet was BRILLIANT, our ensemble scene was great (the gun actually went off!! There was a silent breakdancing party back stage after we exited), the rounds I watched were great, the judges of those rounds (all of the judges I listened to, actually) had mind-blowing things to say, and we got to hear from the Shakespeare Festival's founder. I had such a great time! I learned a lot of new things about acting. I made lots of new friends, and strengthened bonds with some old friends. And the best part of the Competition....

General Conference! I was lucky enough to watch both Saturday sessions at the SUU institute building with the Chamber Choir and some other friends of mine. I was able to be with them when the Pres. Monson gave the Missionary Announcement. The spirit was so strong that day, I'm glad I was able to watch it!

Conference in General in Seminary. Wow. I love seminary.

My sister and I worked on the Service Project we started together.

Fall Break: Goodbye Wisdom Teeth! According to my mom, I was hilarious right before they put me under. I felt pretty sane during the whole ordeal, but looking back the next day, I was crazy. It was great! (If you want specific stories, feel free to either ask me or my mother).

What's coming up next?

·         The rest of Fall Break.

·         Sadies!

·         The FCCLA service project.

·         The school-wide service project.

·         The zombie run with Kevin.

·         Halloween.

Bring it on!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Bad Habit of Mine

One bad habit of mine - I begin new books without finishing the ones I was reading then those books become forgotten.  I'm always reading more than one book at a time in the attempt to catch up with myself, but it doesn't always work.  Some people say "Hey, I do that too!  I have like 3-7 books that I'm in the middle right now!"  If only I had 3-7 that I'm in the middle of, here's my list;

  1. Jade Dragon Box
  2. The Wednesday Letters
  3. Timeless (I don't plan on finishing this one, it was pretty trashy.)
  4. Musiophilia
  5. Missionary's Little Book of Inspirational Stories
  6. Stargirl (I've gotten halfway through this one twice.)
  7. Chronicles of Narnia #5 - The Voyage of the Dawn Trader (or maybe it was one of the other Narnia Books)
  8. The Magician
  9. The 5 Love Languages
  10. Agent Bishop
  11. Les Miserables
  12. The Sisters Grimm #1
  13. Nightlight (The parody of Twilight)
  14. Inkspell (I actually don't remember if I started this one or not)
  15. The Secret Garden
  16. Where the Red Fern Grows (I've already read this one, that was just my 2nd attempt)
  17. The Daring Book for Girls
  18. Matched
  19. The 2nd Twilight (I don't plan on finishing this one either)
  20. The Invention of Hugo Cabret

These are just the ones I could find or remember, I have no idea how many unfinished books I actually  have floating around.  Just because I never finished them doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them (with a few exceptions),  I was just distracted with required reading or other books that I happened to pick up.

Well, better get reading.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Special Needs Mutual

Special Needs Mutual has been one of the most spiritual experiences of my life, and I have loved every minute of it.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the program, SN Mutual is for those with special needs to come together with the buddy (the youth counselors) and participate in activity.  The SN program combines 21 stakes and there are around 70-80 SN kids that come every Thursday night.  We as the youth counselors are buddied  up at (usually) a 1:1 ratio and come every week to be with our buddies during those activities.  We also hold a special sacrament meeting program every month for one of the wards in any one of the 21 stakes.  We don't replace their home mutual, we just provide a place for them to come where they can feel completely safe and have fun.

I was called at the beginning of this school year to be one of the SN Youth Counselors.  Since you normally have to be at least a Jr. to be a counselor, I was shocked and ecstatic.  I first learned about the program when the SN Mutual came to my ward for their special sacrament program.  The spirit was so strong in that room, and I was determined from that point on to become one of the counselors once I was a Jr.  I guess my dream came true a year early.

At one of the first activities I went to I was paired up with my buddy, Rita.  She is such a sweet heart.  She loves singing, dancing, Justin Bieber, bearing her testimony, her friends, Jesus Christ, chocolate and giving hugs.  She has become one of my best friends and I feel privileged to be her youth counselor.

As we were told time and time again, "We are here to help the physically, but they are here to help us spiritually."  I have learned so much from Rita, her older sister Becca, Becca's buddies Hanna and Cheiko, our leaders, and all my other friends from SN mutual.  Rita especially has taught me so much about unconditional love, friendship, happiness, and faith.  I couldn't tell you how many times I would go to SN Mutual stressed about something then leave feeling incredibly happy.

It didn't really hit me how fast this school year is coming to a close until I went to the SN M testimony meeting with the other youth counselors and leaders today.  As I listened to others bear their testimony about their experience about this year, I began to think about all the amazing times Rita and I have had together.

Some of these would include;

Watching her dance with the Polynesian dancers, The Living Legends, that can to perform one Thursday night.

Making homemade ice cream as we helped out in a service project.

The prom that my home ward happened to be the visiting ward for.  Rita loved being able to dance, wear a pretty dress, and dance with her "cute boy" (McKay Waters).

Rita being able to sing into a microphone whenever she could get her hands on one.

Class lessons we would have with our gold class.  She would always want to say the closing prayer, and whenever she did she would bear her testimony and would always get emotional.

The talent show, (her and Becca sand/danced to I Am a Child of God).  After the talent show we made picture frames and looked at the prom pictures with her new friend Talina Morris.

These are just a few of the many amazing Thursday night activities I was able to participate in.  I'm going to miss my SN Mutual family over the summer, and I can't wait to serve again for the next two years to come.

 The picture from Rita, Talina and I made.
 Rita being escorted by her "cute boy."

Rita's on my right and Becca's on my left, (obviously not biological sisters).  They're such sweet girls, I'm going to miss them!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Need a Laugh?

In my opinion, there are two different kinds of March Madness. 
March Madness #1- The basketball kind. The good kind. The fun kind.
March Madness #2- The bad kind.  The stressful kind.  The teachers-throw-everying-at-you-all-at-once-becuase-it's-end-of-term-three kind. 

Personally I prefer #1, but sadly, #2 for high school students is inescapable. However, there are ways to help overcome madness of March, and one of those ways is laughter. 

It's proven that laughter relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and even helps you live longer.  Cool huh?

What makes us laugh? Things that are funny.  Why are things funny?  Because they are, I don't really know why.  Maybe someone else knows, then you can ask them.  Or instead, you can just laugh at the funny things people say (or hear):

Random Girl in Hall- "Where's my phone? Oh yeah, it's in the fridge."

Random Girl in Hall- "You guys are so mean to me!"
Random Guy in Hall- "What do you expect?  We're a bunch of guys!"

"Get a haircut, grow a beard, do something productive!"
     -Eman Ashtawy

Carly- "No pickles? That ain't nice."
Me- "Hey, that ain't proper grammar! ...Oh wait."

What Caleb said- "I made a butterfly in school today!"
What Carly heard- "I made a bubblefart in school today!"

What Caleb said- "We're having a beach party at school today!"
What I heard- "We're playing beer pong at school today!"

What Caleb meant to say- "Look mom, I'm a statue!"
What he actually said- "I'm stoned."
What my mom said- "You better never actually be stoned or I'll ground you for life!"

Caleb- "What's that smell... It smells like summer sausage!  Oh wait, it's poo.  Nope, it's summer sausage."  (Oh brother.. haha )

What Mom said- "Carly do you like Lucky Charms?"
What I heard- "Carly do you like to lick your arms?"

Sage- "My mom's alarm clock sound like a fire truck, and it always makes Brycen fall out of bed.  So I like to get up really early in the morning so I can watch him fall out of bed."

My Great Grandma says to my Mom (when she was 16)- "You're such a pretty girl, we sure worried about you for a while."

A very tired Carly on a road trip- "Slug blug boo!"

Random Person from the Internet- "The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory."

Sage- "It seems like everyone has one of those ripstick things."
Mom- "I don't know why, they're kinda weird."
Sage- "No kidding, they're just a bunch of exercise!"

Andrew's mom- "Are you going to be ok alone?  What if you pass out?"
Andrew- "Don't worry mom I have my phone, you know, just in case I pass out and need to call you."

Brycen was asked- "Where did you get that sore?"
Brycen- "I don't know, but it doesn't hurt when I put it in orange juice."

So, when life begins to feel like this,

Simplify your life and give it a good laugh so you can again feel like this,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love to see the Temple

1. I love to see the temple.
I’m going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I’ll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.

2. I love to see the temple.
I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father;
I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth:
A fam’ly is forever.

This was always one of my favorite primary songs as a kid, and it still is. It's a great song, and the message is sweet and simple.  I especially love hearing little kids sing this song, it's awesome!  

When I would sing it as a small primary child, I would always imagine what my first trip to the temple would be like, and what a beautiful day dreaming moment it was.  Since those days, I haven't been able to go inside the temple as described to the song, but I have been able to participate in the sacred work that us youngin's get to do; baptisms for the dead.  And I love it!

Last Saturday I got the opportunity to go with some family and friends to the temple and do baptisms for the dead.  Needless to say, it made it one of the best weekends I've had in a while.  And at the end of the night, we had 45 of my family members baptized and confirmed, a closer feeling to the Spirit, and wet hair. haha
And if you missed the fun this weekend, don't worry, I'm planning on doing it again soon.  

The next day, (Sunday), was Stake conference.  Ironically enough, the first two talks were about Temples.  It was awesome!  However, there was one statement that stuck out to me the most, which went something like this; "When time seems scarce and life gets hectic, that is when we need to visit the temple the most."  This is not a direct word-for-word quote, but the message is still powerful.  So when your life's getting crazy and you just need a time-out, give me a call, I'll be happy go with ya'. 

And one other thing I love about the Temple, are pictures of them.  Take a gander;

Mt. Timpanogos, UT (the one we went to Saturday).  

Mesa, Arizona (my favorite)

Denver, Colorado

 Anchorage, Alaska (Eman's favorite)
 Freiburg, Germany
 Fukuoka, Japan
 Salt Lake, Utah
 Logan, Utah
 London, England
 London, England
 Lubbock, Texas
 Merida, Mexico
 Mesa, Arizona
 Salt Lake, Utah
 Orlando, Florida
 Rexburg, Idaho
 Salt Lake, Utah (yes, again)
 San Diego, California
 Laie, Hawaii

What's your favorite Temple? 
 (comments always welcome)

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 "Bucket List"

This time last year in my English class, Mr. Dalton taught us a new way of doing new year's resolutions.  In his mind, were a waste of mind space.  People would make them, keep them for a week, then feel guilty for not keeping them for the rest of the year.  So instead of encouraging us to make resolutions, he taught us the ways of the 'yearly bucket list.'  He had us get out a piece of paper, had us write numbers 1 - whatever age we were at the time, then next to each number, he had us write something down that we wanted to do that year.  As the year went on, we were to cross of the things we did end up doing, and for the things we didn't get to do - no worries! We'd just put it on next year's list.

My 2012 'Bucket List'

1. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover.
2. Eat a Ghost Chili pepper.
3. See a Play.
4. Win Gold with my STAR event for this year.
5. Finish reading Les Miserables (unabridged).
6. Learn to Play Hedwig's Theme by Jarrod Radnich on Piano.
7. Dance in the rain, (rain party part 2, haha)
8. Go to Sammy's.
9. Do baptisms for the dead for 100 of my family members.
10. Ride an elephant.
11. Own a snake.
12. Hike to the G 12 times (once a month).
13. Go Paint balling.
14. Go to Arizona.
15. Make it into Advanced Jazz Band.
16. Turn 17.

Obviously, some of these are more likely to happen than others, but whether they all happen or not, it's going to be a fun year!

Monday, January 9, 2012

In my Fondest Memories..

In honor of today, (Jan. 9th 2012, the 4-year mark), I have decided to write my first blog post in memory of my father, Luke Tener Short.

As I sat in my 6th grade class in Peoria, Arizona, next one of my best friends Kylee, there was no way I could even fathom what my life could be 4 years from then.  Who would have know that within a few short years, I would be living in Pleasant Grove, Utah, making lots of new friends, and preparing to become a musical therapist.

To me, this is all proof of how your life can change in an instant.

I had a really great relationship with my dad, and I miss him tremendously. Not a day goes by when I don't think of him or what life would be like if he were still here.
However, the purpose of this blog post is not to mourn over my loss, but to celebrate all the many lessons he taught me, and all the lessons I learned because of him.  

He taught me to love the Gospel and my Heavenly Father with all my heart, mind, and soul.  He also taught me how to keep Christ as the center of my life.  

He taught me to work hard, to be ambitious, and to never cut corners.

He taught me how to keep a great sense of humor.  (Many of you may remember is humorous 'poetry' that he wrote for multiple events.  And, if you can't remember someone's name, their name is either Fred or George).

He taught me how to work with my hands, and to love the work I do.

He taught me how to garden, and how to keep the things you grow alive.  (He also taught me to never touch my eyes or any part of my face after you harvest jalapenos, haha)

He taught me the importance of family, and how to love them, (even though we all may be a little quirky).

He taught me Service!

He didn't teach me to much about music, but he did teach me to love singing and "If you can't sing.. sing loud!"

Even after he's gone, the lessons still continue.  If I've learned anything in this life of mine, it's Everything Happens for a Reason.  

Life may seem hard and confusing right now, but learning to look for the hidden blessings we receive through enduring, has made the world of a difference for me.
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6

These are a few examples of that lesson that I have come to know.

Every trial we are given to endure will make us stronger.

Our family is one of our greatest blessings, and we became part of our own families for specific reasons.

Every friend we come across was given to us to teach us a lesson about life, and vice-versa.

Every teacher we were given, are set in our paths to not only to teach us, but to inspire us.

I am thankful for all the many blessing I have received throughout my life;
For all the places I have lived, and all the friends I have made.
For my two fathers in Heaven, and Jesus Christ, my greatest role models.
For my family, especially my parents and siblings.
For Kevin, an amazing step-father who has been sent to us to love us and guide us.
I am thankful the Church, the Gospel, and for my ward.

My friends, when you are going through hard time, I hope you remember, that with endurance comes great blessings.  I hope you will remember to pray to your Heavenly Father, and to turn to your friends and family here on earth in times of hardship.  I hope you will remember, that everything happens for a reason!

(I realize it's sideways, but you can turn your head right? haha)