Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Bad Habit of Mine

One bad habit of mine - I begin new books without finishing the ones I was reading then those books become forgotten.  I'm always reading more than one book at a time in the attempt to catch up with myself, but it doesn't always work.  Some people say "Hey, I do that too!  I have like 3-7 books that I'm in the middle right now!"  If only I had 3-7 that I'm in the middle of, here's my list;

  1. Jade Dragon Box
  2. The Wednesday Letters
  3. Timeless (I don't plan on finishing this one, it was pretty trashy.)
  4. Musiophilia
  5. Missionary's Little Book of Inspirational Stories
  6. Stargirl (I've gotten halfway through this one twice.)
  7. Chronicles of Narnia #5 - The Voyage of the Dawn Trader (or maybe it was one of the other Narnia Books)
  8. The Magician
  9. The 5 Love Languages
  10. Agent Bishop
  11. Les Miserables
  12. The Sisters Grimm #1
  13. Nightlight (The parody of Twilight)
  14. Inkspell (I actually don't remember if I started this one or not)
  15. The Secret Garden
  16. Where the Red Fern Grows (I've already read this one, that was just my 2nd attempt)
  17. The Daring Book for Girls
  18. Matched
  19. The 2nd Twilight (I don't plan on finishing this one either)
  20. The Invention of Hugo Cabret

These are just the ones I could find or remember, I have no idea how many unfinished books I actually  have floating around.  Just because I never finished them doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them (with a few exceptions),  I was just distracted with required reading or other books that I happened to pick up.

Well, better get reading.