Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Need a Laugh?

In my opinion, there are two different kinds of March Madness. 
March Madness #1- The basketball kind. The good kind. The fun kind.
March Madness #2- The bad kind.  The stressful kind.  The teachers-throw-everying-at-you-all-at-once-becuase-it's-end-of-term-three kind. 

Personally I prefer #1, but sadly, #2 for high school students is inescapable. However, there are ways to help overcome madness of March, and one of those ways is laughter. 

It's proven that laughter relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and even helps you live longer.  Cool huh?

What makes us laugh? Things that are funny.  Why are things funny?  Because they are, I don't really know why.  Maybe someone else knows, then you can ask them.  Or instead, you can just laugh at the funny things people say (or hear):

Random Girl in Hall- "Where's my phone? Oh yeah, it's in the fridge."

Random Girl in Hall- "You guys are so mean to me!"
Random Guy in Hall- "What do you expect?  We're a bunch of guys!"

"Get a haircut, grow a beard, do something productive!"
     -Eman Ashtawy

Carly- "No pickles? That ain't nice."
Me- "Hey, that ain't proper grammar! ...Oh wait."

What Caleb said- "I made a butterfly in school today!"
What Carly heard- "I made a bubblefart in school today!"

What Caleb said- "We're having a beach party at school today!"
What I heard- "We're playing beer pong at school today!"

What Caleb meant to say- "Look mom, I'm a statue!"
What he actually said- "I'm stoned."
What my mom said- "You better never actually be stoned or I'll ground you for life!"

Caleb- "What's that smell... It smells like summer sausage!  Oh wait, it's poo.  Nope, it's summer sausage."  (Oh brother.. haha )

What Mom said- "Carly do you like Lucky Charms?"
What I heard- "Carly do you like to lick your arms?"

Sage- "My mom's alarm clock sound like a fire truck, and it always makes Brycen fall out of bed.  So I like to get up really early in the morning so I can watch him fall out of bed."

My Great Grandma says to my Mom (when she was 16)- "You're such a pretty girl, we sure worried about you for a while."

A very tired Carly on a road trip- "Slug blug boo!"

Random Person from the Internet- "The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory."

Sage- "It seems like everyone has one of those ripstick things."
Mom- "I don't know why, they're kinda weird."
Sage- "No kidding, they're just a bunch of exercise!"

Andrew's mom- "Are you going to be ok alone?  What if you pass out?"
Andrew- "Don't worry mom I have my phone, you know, just in case I pass out and need to call you."

Brycen was asked- "Where did you get that sore?"
Brycen- "I don't know, but it doesn't hurt when I put it in orange juice."

So, when life begins to feel like this,

Simplify your life and give it a good laugh so you can again feel like this,