Sunday, May 4, 2014

When you give Jolyn a pen...

I went to an amazing fireside this evening.  Elder Ballard spoke via broadcast and touched on 3 pretty big topics that seem to be talked about a lot in the church recently (and for good reasons).  One of the things he talked about was sharing our testimony of this gospel, the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, using our technology.  So, I thought I would do so by sharing my notes on the fireside and the Senior testimony meeting that was held afterwards.

When you give Jolyn a pen.... She writes a lot.  I enjoy writing and taking notes.  And when the firesides are this amazing, I write quite a bit.  It's all stuff I enjoy reading over again, and I hope you enjoy it too:

Soon, we the youth will be the leaders of the church.  It won't be too long before we're all bishop leaders or relief society leaders.

The 12 apostles all have very different personalities.  So, when they come together on a decision, you know it was decided under much prayer.

1. Technology-
We cannot stand on the sidelines and let others define what the church believes.  Be a part of the conversation - share your testimony via social media.

Clear sky and natural silence are hard to come by in our highly developed world.  Life is busy.  Do you have any personal, quiet time?  If you do not - seek for some.  Be still and listen.  Everyone needs time to contemplate and meditate.
Have regular, personal interviews with yourself every once in a while.  "Be still, and know that I am God."

Smartphones are indeed smart; they need to remain our servants (posting uplifting things), and not our masters (randomly surfing the internet to kill time).

Never let technology interfere with your relationship with your family, friends, or your Heavenly Father.  Actually TALK to one another, not just text.  Visit with those near by.  Visit with your family - visit with your extended family when you get the chance.

Leave your phone off during church.

Be more responsible with technology.
The church has always adapted advances to technology - this does not mean that we should adopt the evil of technology.

Just like the words of the prophets of old were read on scrolls, we can "scroll" too.  Even if your are "scrolling" on our phones/ipods and reading good and worthy things, it all needs to be put away during the actual sacrament portion of our sacrament meeting.  We can all set distractions aside for just a few minutes to take a moment to think about the Savior and his Atonement.

Unplug every once in a while.  Be still, and know the things of God.

Go to the temple, go as often as you can.  Turn off your phones before you reach the temple grounds.  If you are not worthy right now to enter into the temple, visit the temple grounds as preparation, and be worthy as soon as you can.
Satan doesn't even want you to get near the temple.
Focus on feeling the power and the presence of the Lord while in the temple, His house.

Satan works day and night to confuse us.  The temple can help us sort out those confusing thoughts.
Satan wants you to stop good habits and stay on the sidelines.

That war against sin is real.  It continues from the beginning of time.

Put on the WHOLE armor of God.  Don't wait until you're older - the Lord needs you now.

Be modern day Stripling Warriors.  Be true at all times and with all things.

2. Pornography:

Tobacco was against the Lord's Word of Wisdom before scientists knew the harmful effects.  We don't have to wait to discover the destructive effects of pornography.
It can rewire and imprison the mind.  It causes dangerous miscommunitcation.  It conditions people to see others as objects, not human beings.

Keeping secrets damages trust.  It kills genuine, human relationships.  As surely as the most deadly poison kills the body.  It's addictive, do whatever you can to STOP NOW.

You can over come ANY addiction, always, with the Savior's assistance.  Find help and

3. The Church's Position on Marriage:

The family is ordained of God.  Children are entitled to be born into a faithful, married couple of a man and a woman.

Same-sex intimacy and marriage are serious sins that need to be taken seriously.
It is NOT an issue  of Civil Rights, it is an issue of morality.  Changes in civil law do not change God's eternal moral law; in fact, it can not.  Please, review and teach this doctrine.

Every opinion deserves respect
Everyone deserves respect, even if they need some gentle and loving guidance.

You may be looked as a bigot for upholding these beliefs.  Though we cannot tolerate same-sex marriage, we must love those in these truly complex situations.  Never shun, but love and try to help them.
No one should ignore or discount the commandments of God.  The attraction is not a sin, acting on the attraction is.
Again, it is a complex reality for many people.  Love, do not shun.

The gospel is the good news (literally, the word gospel means good news), and it is a gospel of hope.  If you need help, seek it now.  In all things come unto Christ.  In all things remember Him.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God because of Jesus Christ.

Become the modern Stripling Warriors.  We KNOW in the end, the Lord will win the day.  Satan will not win.  Share this good news - Share the gospel.
You may be in danger of ridicule and disdain, but you cannot retreat.  Like the Savior, we cannot shrink away when ridicule arrives.  Do not worry about those who mock in the "Great and Spacious Building."  Do not be those who were ashamed after they ate the glorious fruit they worked so hard to get.

 I am helping God as I am reaching out to help others learn about the gospel and share my testimony.

There is a time and a place for social media - Now is the time.  Use it wisely.  God will always bless you in your efforts.  Be calm, and know that God does live.  Heavenly Father is watching over you.  He is preparing the world - He is preparing YOU for Christ's second coming.

God need you now.

In about 3 weeks, you can watch the devotional for yourself here:

After this devotional, there was a testimony for the seniors that are graduating seminary in 2 weeks from today.  It was so cool to be able to hear the thoughts, stories and testimonies of my peers.  Some of these people I've know and gone to school with for 5 years now (and for those who move around a lot *me* that's an accomplishment!).  I look up to those guys and I love them so much. (Yeah, that means you!)  It was a great experience, and here are some thoughts from these amazing kids that I recorded:

(Talking about missionary work):  Rejection is not failure.  God still loves them and you've helped plant a seed in their heart.

Don't just believe IN Christ, believe Christ and His words.

Don't pray to take trials away.  Pray every day to have strength to make it through and overcome your trials.

Doubt your doubts.  Never doubt your faith in Jesus Christ.

This Gospel is worth any sacrifice we can make.


I have a testimony of all these things that have been said tonight, and of all the things I have written down.  I KNOW that this gospel is true.  I now the Book of Mormon is true.  I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that president Monson is our true prophet today.  I know the prophets and apostles are ordained men of God who are able to give the words of God to us in our time.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

  Have a fantastic day!  And keep you head up darlin'!

~Jolyn Short

Stripling Warriors:


Tree of Life:

Sacrament Meeting:



  1. My daughter makes me proud with all she does. I'm so glad you were given a pen.. keep it up!!!

  2. You are such a force for good in the world. Keep it up!
